Tips for Closing and Preparing to Move

As you approach the closing table, the whirlwind of thoughts and tasks can be overwhelming. Fret not, as we’ve compiled a set of helpful links and tips to guide you during this crucial time.

What You Can Take

The question of what you can take with you as you bid farewell to your current home is a common concern. Here’s a general rule: if it requires a tool to remove, it stays with the house. While your Realtor can provide specific guidance, items not explicitly stated in the purchase offer to go with you should remain with the property.

Examples of items that typically stay with the house include:

  • Landscape and Yard Decorations: Unless specified otherwise in your listing, anything requiring removal or part of a landscape feature stays.
  • Curtains and Window Dressings: Integral parts of the house, curtains and window dressings remain unless stated or removed before listing.
  • TV Mounts and Lighting Fixtures: Wall-mounted televisions and fixed lighting fixtures are considered part of the house. While it’s customary to remove the TV wall mount, the fixture itself stays.

Don’t Forget Your Documents

Amidst the chaos, ensure you don’t overlook crucial documents necessary post-move. These include:

  • Purchase Agreement and Amendments: Retain these documents at least until the subsequent tax season.
  • Receipts of Home Improvements: Keep records of home improvements made while residing in the house for potential tax benefits.
  • Other Selling Process Documents: Consider keeping documents like the Seller’s Disclosure and paperwork completed during the marketing and sale of your home.

Change of Address Notice

A crucial step often overlooked – file a change of address with the Post Office. This can be completed up to 30 days before moving to ensure the proper forwarding of mail. Learn more about this process here.

Turn Off Your Utilities

Before bidding farewell to your old abode, ensure all utilities are either turned off or transferred out of your name. Contact your local electric and water company to finalize these arrangements. If moving to a new home, don’t forget to arrange for utility activation.

What’s Your Next Step?

If your move takes you out of the current area, we offer a plethora of resources to aid your transition, including dedicated members of our Relocation Department. Count on us to guide you through the essential steps as you embark on this significant life change.


Download a printable checklist that will help you prepare your property to list and coordinate your move.

Contact an experienced agent at Sea Glass Florida Properties.